8 Ways to Add More Creativity to Your Marketing Campaigns

If you’re struggling with coming up with new ideas for your marketing campaigns, follow these strategies to boost your creativity and give your next marketing plan some added kick.

Creativity is the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign.

After all, unless you have a unique idea that stands out from the competition, your marketing efforts are going to fall flat.

But what if you have great ideas for a marketing campaign but can’t seem to come up with anything else?

How do you continue to come up with new and exciting ideas on such a regular basis?

Creativity is not something that we are born with. Instead, it is something that must be nurtured and developed over time.

If you’re struggling with coming up with new ideas for your marketing campaigns, follow these strategies to boost your creativity and give your next marketing plan some added kick.

Give Yourself Time to Think

One of the best ways to inspire creativity is to give yourself time to think.

This doesn’t mean you should procrastinate and put off your marketing plan indefinitely. What it does mean is that you give yourself enough time to brainstorm and come up with new ideas.

Give yourself time to sit back and think through each campaign and how it can be improved.

This can be done on the drive to work, while you’re running, while you’re doing the dishes, and any other time you have available.

You never know when the idea you’ve been waiting for will strike.

Give yourself time to think, and you’ll have a much better chance of coming up with something amazing.

Find Inspiration in Everything

While ideas are most likely to come to you when you’re relaxing and thinking, inspiration can come from anywhere.

You should always be looking for inspiration in everything you see.

Whether you’re watching TV, reading, or looking at photos from a recent trip, inspiration can be found anywhere.

  • When you’re watching TV, be sure to pay attention to the advertisements and brainstorm ways that you can improve upon them.
  • While you’re reading, pay attention to the metaphors used in the text and brainstorm how you can use them in your marketing.
  • While you’re looking at photos from a recent vacation, brainstorm how you can use the images in your marketing campaign.

Whenever you’re inspired, write down your ideas so that you don’t forget them. You never know when inspiration will strike, and you want to make sure to capitalize on as much of it as possible.

Network with Other Marketers

Another great way to boost your creativity is by networking with other marketers.

By networking with other marketers in your field, you have the opportunity to see what kinds of campaigns and marketing strategies they are using.

You can also ask them how they came up with their ideas and how they implemented them.

You can even take it a step further and ask them if they’d be willing to let you come up with some marketing campaigns for them and see how it goes.

Marketing campaigns are a lot like recipes. They may work in one group but not another.

By networking with other marketers, you’re able to see what works and what doesn’t, so that you can come up with even more effective marketing campaigns.

Doodle and freewrite

Sometimes you just need to get your mind going. There may be times when you’re just stuck.

There may be times when you’ve been working on a campaign for weeks and just can’t seem to get it where you want it to be.

If you’re struggling with coming up with new ideas for your marketing campaigns, one strategy you can try is freewriting.

You can do this wherever you are, whenever you need to.

Simply jot down whatever comes to mind and don’t worry about the quality of your writing. While you’re doing this, you can even sketch out your ideas if that helps to get them flowing.

You can also try doodling your ideas. Doodle whatever comes to mind and see where it takes you.

Sometimes you just need to get your mind going in order to get those creative juices flowing.

Put together a creative team

Another excellent strategy for boosting creativity and coming up with new ideas is to put together a creative team.

This can be as simple as bringing together a group of your peers and brainstorming ideas with them.

If you’re working in an office environment, try organizing a meeting where you and your team members brainstorm ideas together.

By putting together a creative team, you not only have more people working on ideas, but you also have people to bounce ideas off of and brainstorm with.

Cultivate diversity within your team

Another excellent way to boost creativity and come up with new ideas is to cultivate a diverse team.

If you’re working with a company that hires only a certain type of person, you may be missing out on a lot of different types of creativity. Try to hire someone who is a little bit different.

Try to hire people who have a different background from everyone else in your team.

They can provide a fresh perspective on your ideas and can help to generate new ideas. By cultivating a diverse team, you make sure that you have a variety of different types of creativity at your disposal.

This can help to generate new and exciting ideas that you may not have come up with otherwise.

Brainstorm constantly

Once you’ve come up with some ideas, don’t just put them on the back burner and hope that they pop up again later.

Instead, you should brainstorm constantly, making sure to use all of your resources.

  • If you have someone on your team who is particularly good at art, have them draw out some ideas.
  • If you have someone who is particularly good at copywriting, have them write some ads.
  • If you have someone who is particularly good at design, have them create some posters.

No matter what your team members are good at, use them to their full potential. You can even create an online collaborative document where your team members can collaborate with each other.

Make sure to brainstorm constantly and use all of your resources to come up with as many ideas as possible.

Experiment with different mediums and formats

Another excellent way to boost creativity and come up with new ideas is to experiment with different mediums and formats.

This means that you don’t just stick with the type of ad format that you’re used to using, but you try something new.

By experimenting with different mediums and formats, you open yourself up to a whole host of new ideas and ways of looking at your business and your marketing campaigns.


In the end, there is no one way to come up with new ideas for your marketing campaigns.

Every marketer has their own process and methods of generating ideas.

The important thing is that you make sure to come up with new ideas as often as possible. This is the only way to make sure that your marketing efforts continue to bring in new customers.

It is also important to remember that creativity is a skill that must be cultivated and developed over time.


Generate UK is a full-service digital marketing agency that empowers industry-leading B2B & professional services companies to generate growth online.

We help brands grow at all stages of the funnel, with the expertise to support your organisation, whether you are looking to:

  • Boost your awareness
  • Improve demand
  • Get more leads
  • Generate more sales

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